Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Then, There Came A Vlog...

You can watch my fist vlog attempt here. :D
Please comment, rate and subscribe! :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Eh... Hi, there...

Hello, hello, hello!


... Look, I know it's been been a while...


... I've been busy...

"... Busy?! You liar! You've been sitting in your room watching Youtube videos and not doing your homework! Don't give me that!"

... Okay, well, I'm sorry. I guess I just got bored of blogging, constant reader...


... I could tell you about what I've been up to since... Eh... *checks last post* ... JULY 2ND?! Blimey...

"... Go on..."

Well, eh, I'm in a new band...?

"... *cough*..."

Eh, we do covers and, oh, we write our own stuff too! We have a Youtube page and everything!

"... Okay, who's in this new band?"

Well, I am, of course, and, eh, there's Chris and there's Alan... Aaand there's... PAUL! Remember Paul?! :D


Oooookay. Oh, speaking of Paul! He has now started his own vlog! He's really good! You should subscribe. I made an outro for him and everything!

"... Okay, that's pretty cool, I guess. What else ya got?"

Em... Oh! Remember Emma?


Yeah, she started college and she's enjoying it! :D

"Well, that's good."

Eh, I've started 5th year. That's a pain...


I'm sure you noticed the amount of snow we've had recently... And how we can't go anywhere...

" ... *sigh*... "

Okay, okay. Eh... OH! We held a 2nd Rock 'N' Raise back in October!

"And how did that go?"

Pretty good methinks. Everyone had a great time and we raised money for Self-Help Africa!

"What else ya got?"

I'm in a panto on the 18th of December. I play Letitia, a good witch. :P It was supposed to be on 2 nights this week, but was cancelled due to the snow.

"... Is that everything?"

Eh, I'd like to mention acarnivalofsorts, a blog of nerdiness by Gary Murphy that I've come across recently. I'd recommend it to anyone, regardless of your how nerdy you are because it's an interesting read.

"Well, I guess I'll just wait another 5 months for your next post now..."

Actually, I hope to start posting regularly again. Maybe once or twice a week?


Yeah. :)

"Okay, I forgive you."

Well, I never said I was sor-

" *ahem* "

... Fine. :/