Hello, hello, hello!
... Look, I know it's been been a while...
... I've been busy...
"... Busy?! You liar! You've been sitting in your room watching Youtube videos and not doing your homework! Don't give me that!"
... Okay, well, I'm sorry. I guess I just got bored of blogging, constant reader...
... I could tell you about what I've been up to since... Eh... *checks last post* ... JULY 2ND?! Blimey...
"... Go on..."
Well, eh, I'm in a new band...?
"... *cough*..."
Eh, we do covers and, oh, we write our own stuff too! We have a Youtube page and everything!
"... Okay, who's in this new band?"
Well, I am, of course, and, eh, there's Chris and there's Alan... Aaand there's... PAUL! Remember Paul?! :D
Oooookay. Oh, speaking of Paul! He has now started his own vlog! He's really good! You should subscribe. I made an outro for him and everything!
"... Okay, that's pretty cool, I guess. What else ya got?"
Em... Oh! Remember Emma?
Yeah, she started college and she's enjoying it! :D
"Well, that's good."
Eh, I've started 5th year. That's a pain...
I'm sure you noticed the amount of snow we've had recently... And how we can't go anywhere...
" ... *sigh*... "
Okay, okay. Eh... OH! We held a 2nd Rock 'N' Raise back in October!
"And how did that go?"
Pretty good methinks. Everyone had a great time and we raised money for Self-Help Africa!
"What else ya got?"
I'm in a panto on the 18th of December. I play Letitia, a good witch. :P It was supposed to be on 2 nights this week, but was cancelled due to the snow.
"... Is that everything?"
Eh, I'd like to mention acarnivalofsorts, a blog of nerdiness by Gary Murphy that I've come across recently. I'd recommend it to anyone, regardless of your how nerdy you are because it's an interesting read.
"Well, I guess I'll just wait another 5 months for your next post now..."
Actually, I hope to start posting regularly again. Maybe once or twice a week?
Yeah. :)
"Okay, I forgive you."
Well, I never said I was sor-
" *ahem* "
... Fine. :/
I think I'M schizophrenic after that...
You think YOU'RE schizophrenic? :P
My life is like Fight Club... without the fighting... or the club...
Thanks for the mention! :D
Lord knows your better than me at this... :L
Nicely done... ;)
S'no problem, Gary. Trust me, I'm not great at this. You're doing quite well so 'shtop yer nonsense'. :P I'm glad you liked the format. I wanted to try something different. :D
was that a soliloquey by any chance?
No, but this is though:
"To be, or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and, by opposing them, end them."
(All from memory! Boo-yeah! :D )
To die, to sleep- no more- but by a sleep to say we end the heartache and thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation! Devoutly be wished to die to sleep! To sleep, perchance to dream, ay, there's the rub. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, when we have shuffled off this mortal coil. Must give us pause...
Fuck yeah, imma ace these Christmas tests :D
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