Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Future...

The future. The very thought of it scares me to no end. "But wwwwwwhy?!" I hear my one of my few constant blog readers ask. "Wwwwwwwwhy are you scared of the future?! It's so big and shiny and bright and beautiful an-" stop right there, me pretending to be one of my few constant blog readers, I shall tell you. I fear the future because:

1.) All the 'dream jobs' I have considered over the years are often thought to be 'unrealistic' and 'difficult to achieve' by a lot of people and I often get some funny looks and raised eyebrows when I try to discuss them. Even when I was younger my head was in the clouds regarding careers (actually, come to think of it, who didn't want to be a time-travelling superhero car when they were younger?). The career I'm determined at succeeding in is music. Yes, the beauty of music and its amazing ability to control your feelings, your opinions, your actions. I'd like to quote Emma, a great friend of mine, to sum up my feelings exactly "It's one of those things that just matters to you SO much. Have you ever just got so caught up in a song and you're nothing but pure emotion? And it all wells up inside you and you feel ecstatic because THIS is what you want to do and you love it. Almost proud." I just want to be a part of creating something beautiful, something wondeful and that's all I want to do. I just want to inspire others in a similar fashion to the way I have been inspired! Is there something wrong with that? Why couldn't I do this?

2.) I haven't got a plan. I seem to be the only person in our group at school without one. Here's an example of typical conversation when the topic is mentioned: "Oh, I'm going to St. Snotworth's School Of Higher Excellence to study Twattery. What about you, David?" "Eh...". It's actually quite difficult being the only one of all my friends without some big plan which'll kick start and take effect as soon as I leave school. I hope that this is merely down to the fact that I have simply not done enough research. Bottom line: it's scary.

3.) My big fear of failure. Yeah. What if I fall flat on face, broke, alone, fat, aged 45, surrounded by thousands of cats? Shouting at pigeons in a local park would be one of my favourite activites. I, like any sane person, do NOT want this to happen to me, but there's always a chance of it happening if I pursue the careers I'm interested in. Then again, I could excell at the careers I'm interested in. It's a big decision to make.

So, me pretending to be one of my few constant blog readers, that is why I fear the future. Who knows, maybe this time next year I'll feel a little different about it. Maybe. Then again, I might not. God damn the unpredictability of the future! :P

(P.S. if you'd like to read Emma's fantastic response to this post, click here.)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Fresh Start (Complete With Introductions)

You know in The Dark Knight, when the Joker stabs that guy in the eye with the pencil? Yeah, this is nothing like that...

Welcome all! I'd like to say I'm new to this whole blogging thing but, unfortunately, I had a stab at it when I was an little bit younger. The end result, I think it's fair to say, was far from entertaining. ;) Though I should give my slightly younger self a break, I was 14! (Woah! A few lines in and I'm already boring you! I can tell because I'm boring myself. :P)

So, I thought I'd give it another go, learning from the mistakes of past and using my head before I post. :P To be quite honest, I have absolutely no idea what I'm gonna talk about. I'm hoping that when I open this 'new post' page and start typing, that brain of mine will take over and provide you with intelligent opinions and witty gestures. Here's hoping.

Maybe I should dedicate the rest of this post to introducing myself to those who don't know me/know me that well. My name is David Monaghan (or Dáithí Mac, as I'm sometimes never referred to). I'm currently 16 years of age and I love music, The Beatles, playing guitar (speaking of music and playing guitar, I'm in a band with a few school buddies. We're called Stop The Press and you can view our facebook page here), movies, my friends and having the 'craic'. I like to think I'm easy to get along with (notice the 'I like to think' bit. :P). I usually try to be funny and, occasionally, I am... kinda... sorta... maybe... not.

And so, here it is, folks! David 2.0! The future of blogging... yeah, right! Make yourself at home. :D